BootStrapper presents Bad Bills

Bad Bills is a TV show that follows the horrible campaign of sexual harassment that Bill O’Reilly and Bill Cosby take part in as they tour the country to promote their new book, “Does No Really Mean No?”

Created by: DRC Systems
1 project launched

$10 2 60
pledged out of $75,000 target backers days to go

This project will only receive your funds if it makes it’s goal by the target date.

Hello! I’m Daljit and with the help of my brother from another mother, Rafael, we’re writing and producing a new TV series. Did I say TV series? It will probably be a YouTube series, or if we’re lucky we’ll get picked up by NetFlix. Just as how KickStarter and the other crowdfunding sites won’t touch our project, I’m pretty sure the major networks and cable channels won’t want to carry the finished product. Why is that, you ask? Let me tell you a little about what we aim to do.

We’re creating a show which follows Bill O’Reilly and Bill Cosby on a cross country book tour to promote their new book, Bills… They Made Us Pay for What We Did. In the alternate reality in which our show takes place, these two Bills have gotten together to try to defend themselves from the numerous allegations of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct and have come up with the idea of writing this book as a means to do so. Unfortunately, since they’re horrible people who’ve done terrible things, they aren’t quite successful. Their book, which is clearly nonsense, generates a lot of pre-release negativity, so they decide to go on a book tour to several major cities to combat that negativity and get their story out there.

Alas, they learn nothing. No lessons, no changing for the better, no moral epiphanies. Instead, they bungle the opportunities to come clean and improve, all the while managing to alienate people further with their tone deaf and clueless defense of their crimes. Their attitudes, outlook, and behavior are best described as something between the main cast of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia and the Bluth family from Arrested Development (minus Michael and George Michael of course).

Our initial pitch sees them touring 5 cities, one in each episode. They are:

  • Seattle
  • Los Angeles
  • Austin
  • Chicago
  • New York

Unfortunately, the Bills have fallen on hard times. They don’t quite have the financial resources they once did after having to pay out on so many civil suits, which is one of the reasons for writing this book. The Bills hope to restore their fortunes. As a result of their downgraded economic status, they couldn’t quite afford airline tickets for their 5 city tour. Instead, they’ll be travelling via an old VW Camper van that one of the Bills acquired for… purposes best left unsaid.

If we exceed our initial funding target by enough, we can add more episodes. If we raise enough funds to produce another 5 episodes on top of our first 5, instead of just adding them onto Season 1, we’ll give them their own arc and create a second season! (Why 5 episodes per season? Apparently, that’s what all the cool British kids do.). We’re kicking around several ideas for a potential Season 2, one of which is the Bills starting a weekly live streaming show called Does No Really Mean No? which would be a call in show that would serve as follow up to their book. If the excess funding is enough for 4 or less episodes, we’ll add more cities and more hijinks to the book tour. We’ll run backer polls to determine which additional cities our despicable deviants will visit, so you can help to shape the show! If we get even more funding than that, we’ll have enough to add a third regular cast member… Bill Clinton! What role will he play? Help us reach our stretch goals and find out!

Select a reward tier to go along with your pledge below!

$5 – Peeping Tom

Every little bit counts! For just $5, you’ll get our monthly backer updates and can follow along with the show’s development.

$25 – Creeper

We’ll send you a postcard with a behind the scenes cast photo, signed by both of us!

$75 – Stalker

Get a downloadable copy of the entire first season in high quality HD!

$200 – Online Predator

Submit an idea for the B story for an episode!
At this tier, we’ll work with you to develop a secondary story for each episode. Over the course of several Skype meetings, we’ll develop the idea with you to make sure it fits with the theme of the show and you’ll be credited as a guest writer on the show!
Limited reward – only 5 available

$500 – Surprise Van Driver

A walk on guest spot!
Get discovered! You’ll get a small, walk on role in the show! We’ll write a small part for you where you get to interact with one or both of the Bills!
Backers responsible for travel and lodging expenses
Limited reward – only 5 available