Happy pi day, everyone! Today is 3/14, a day set aside by geeks everywhere as pi day. Cause of pi. Which sounds like pie. Which is good. Speaking of pis and pies, here’s some fun trivia for you. Do you guys know where the term pi originated from? As you may know, the ancient Greeks discovered the concept. It was during the time of Archimedes, a prominent Greek mathematician. Back then, when they used to make pies, they were in a square shape. But one day, Archimedes wanted to have a new type of pie, a better type of pie. He ordered his cook to make him a round pie instead. Upon receiving it, he gazed on its circular shape, and that brilliant mind of his began to realize the fundamental ideas of pi. He couldn’t very well call 3.14 “pie,” so he dropped the “e” and called it “pi.” And we have been blessed ever since with pies and pis.
On a completely unrelated note, I was told a rather hilarious story by my friend Sharon which I’d like to relate to you. Apparently, on a popular Internet message board, a friend of hers related an argument she had with her roommate. There was some mention of Australia, and the roommate said something about The Dingo Fence. Upon further inquiry, the roommate revealed that The Dingo Fence, in his honest and serious belief, was a GIANT, ELECTRIFIED FENCE SURROUNDING THE OUTBACK TO KEEP DINGOS OUT. This is simultaneously the dumbest and funniest thing I have ever heard. Giant electrified fence. Keeping dingos out of the Outback. Cause you know, you wouldn’t want the dingos to leave the safety of the cities. Another party in the argument sauntered off, muttering “big ol’ dingo fence” in utter disbelief. That phrase must clearly be introduced into modern conversation. I shall quote to you now, how my friend Sharon has decided that this phrase may best be used: “It’s for anything of dingo fence proportions in absurdity.” Her examples of this include: “So he busted out the big ol’ dingo fence and tried to tell me that the first 500 DSes were handmade,” and “That, sir, is quite the big ol’ dingo fence you’re trying to sell me.” I wholeheartedly support this course of action and will make every effort to further its usage in today’s modern language. I encourage you all to do the same!